Af hverju að kaupa þessa vöru
Mikið fyrir peninginn.
Skilar þykkri loðandi snjófroðu.
Mettar óhreinindi og oxun sem skilar öruggari og skilvirkari bílþvotti.
Lyktar af ferskum ávöxtum.
Auðvelt að nota snjófroðu.
Um þessa vöru
Fruit Snow Foam Neutral PH framleiðir þykka og klæðandi froðu. Þessi snjófroða mettar óhreinindi og oxun og losar umtalsvert magn af þessu frá yfirborðinu. Afganginn af óhreinindum og oxun er hægt að þvo af á öruggan og skilvirkan hátt. Með þessum vinnubrögðum minnkarðu líkur á Swirl rispumog öðrum þvottarispum. Mundu; 95% af þvottarispum er af völdum óviðeigandi þvottar.
Fruit Snow Foam Neutral PH býður upp á mikið fyrir peninginn, góða vöru sem gerir það sem það segir, lyktar ferskt og er auðvelt í notkun fyrir alla.
Why buy this product
Very good value for money.
A mild shampoo.
Emulsifies dirt and oxidation.
Smells like cherries.
Easy to use.
About this product
Sleek Premium Shampoo is a mild car shampoo designed to treat existing layers of wax, sealant of coating as gentle as possible. The soapy suds emulsify dirt and oxidation with oxygen infused bubbles to let these run off safely from the cars exterior without scratching or damaging. We advise to wash with 2 buckets for the cars exterior, 1 bucket with suds to wash and 1 bucket with water to rinse your washmitts, sponges and brushes. Ideal to have a Grit Guard sitting at the bottom of each bucket. With this way of working you will have less chances on swirls and paint imperfections, remember; 95% of swirls are caused by improper washing.
Sleek Premium Shampoo offers a very good value for money, a good quality product that does what it says, smells fresh and is easy to use for anyone.
Available quantities | 5000ml |
SKU(‘s) | 12.155 |
Type product | Car Shampoo |
Dilution / Mix Ratio | 30ml product + 10L (warm) water |
Scent | Fresh |
Cleaning power | Medium |
Color | Green |
Gloss enhancer | Yes |
Foam | High |
Safe for wax / sealant | Yes |
PH Neutral | Yes |
Safe on light colors | Yes |
Safe on dark colors | Yes |
Extra 1 | Use 2 buckets, 1 bucket with suds to wash and 1 bucket with water to rinse your washmitts, sponges and brushes. |
Extra 2 | Ideal to have a Grit Guard sitting at the bottom of each bucket. |