Hentar á flestar tegundir yfirborðs inni jafnt sem utan á bílnum.
Gljástig 8 = Háglans
Vatnsbaserað 100% þurrt að snerta engin olíufilma
Endurheimtir og viðhaldur gljáa
Hentar vel á vinyl, plast, gúmmí og dekk
Hrekur burt vatn, óhreinindi, ryk og ver yfirborð fyrir skaðlegum UV geislum
V.RVinyl. Rubber. Plastic
How To Use:
Clean surface.
Shake G6 Hyper Coat well.
Spray directly onto a foam applicator pad or detailing brush to avoid overspray.
Work into interior or exterior plastic, rubber, and vinyl pieces.
Remove excess with a premium microfiber towel.
Wait 10 minutes before applying additional coats as desired.
Part Number TVD11116
UPC 811339027787
Size 16 ounces / 473ml
Top Black top with sprayer included
Form Spray
Base Water-based
Shine Level 8 High Gloss
UV Protection Yes
Dry-to-the-touch Yes
Safe on interior Yes
Safe on exterior Yes
Safe on vinyl Yes
Safe on rubber Yes
Safe on plastic Yes