Chemical Guys Chenille Moppa/hlíf á kúst
4,390 kr. Select options

Chemical Guys Chenille Moppa/hlíf á kúst

4,390 kr.

Snilldar græja til að geta sett mjúka Microfiber Chenille Moppu utna um kústhausinn þegar verið er að þvo stóru bílana.
Auðveldar þvott þar sem ekki er hægt að ná til með hefðbundnum þvottahanska


Snilldar græja til að geta sett mjúka Microfiber Chenille Moppu utna um kústhausinn þegar verið er að þvo stóru bílana.

Auðveldar þvott þar sem ekki er hægt að ná til með hefðbundnum þvottahanska

Litur Grænn

Stærð 46 x 15cm

Fest utan um hausinn með frönskum rennilás

Why buy this product?
Reach high places easily.
Perfect for cleaning large trucks.
Helps prevent swirls and scratches.

About this product:
The Chemical Guys Chenille Car Wash Mop is the perfect microfiber wash mitt to stick on brush and wash your truck with. Washing the top of a large truck, suv, trailer or other large vehicle is always very hard without the Chemical Guys Go Go Gadget Step Up or another ladder.

With the Car Wash Mop you can extend your arm length and easily reach the top of your vehicle. Due to the simple design of the car wash mop, you can stick it on a pole and wash your truck easily with total control.

The 45,72 x 15,24 cm chenille truck wash mop is woven with plush 70/30 blended microfiber noodles that soak up a lot of soapy water for a swirl and scratch free wash.


Size45,72 x 15,24 CM
ManufacturerChemical Guys



Grænn, Blár